The Effectiveness of Varied Forms of Education in Attitudes and Behaviors Towards Veganism


  • Ava Seiffer Chadwick School
  • Maura Large Chadwick School





In today’s society, the number of people who are socially conscious is rising as information becomes increasingly available. Veganism is one expression of social consciousness and while a diet that abstains from animal products dates back to the days of Native Americans, a poll conducted by Gallup found that only three percent of the United States population is vegan (McCarthy).

Many studies previously conducted have synthesized the reasons why people choose to be vegan, but none of them have touched on how to best shift attitudes and behaviors of non-practitioners. According to a Vomad study, 68% of vegans were abstaining from consuming animals due to the ill-treatment of animals by society. This means that a large population of practitioners adopted veganism through becoming educated about the treatment of animals.

The origins of veganism are rooted in Native Americans’ notions of duality with nature. Modern philosophical theories regarding the treatment of animals which are intended to educate society includes Ecological Animalism, focused on dualism between humans and nature, and Ontological Veganism, focused on the equality of all living beings and the morality of inflicting pain on others. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), a pro-vegan organization, has chosen to educate through polarizing marketing and social media campaigns.

This poses my research question: How effective is education on the philosophies of veganism in influencing non-vegans’ attitudes and behaviors as compared to education through polarizing marketing and social media campaigns?


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Seiffer, A., & Large, M. (2020). The Effectiveness of Varied Forms of Education in Attitudes and Behaviors Towards Veganism. Journal of Student Research, 9(2).



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